The Third House: heartbreaker between love-mates of Yemeni and British identities, bilingual tongues and musical accents alive in a football fanatic terrace home of Liverpool, Toxteth. Amina Atiq’s photogenic live-performance anthology lives between houses; inherited and existing national anthems; exploring her Arabness of fragmented memories in a dark-tender migration journey from a colonised Aden to 1960s Liverpool port.This passage is a reimagination between her war-torn child- home and her conflicting Muslim identity in a western society after the heightened events of 9/11; shaping her adolescent political life. Underpinned by biographical key events and intergenerational exchanges, Amina impersonates a lifeguard to save her third house from drowning.

Accompanied by captioned short film of building bricks & henna fingertips. Film produced by Screen writer Eman Diab & Videographer Abdullrhman Hassona. Show supported & directed by Saphena Aziz. Marketing design by Nonconform. Funded by Dada Fest International 2022

